IT and ethics


Dear reader, in my last blog I am going to talk about the relation of IT and ethics, more particularly about ethical egoism. Here is an example of that, “Jack believes that Jill should promote her own interest in accordance with ethical egoism. Jack might believe this, but he isn't going to tell Jill. He looks to his own interest first.” This basically means that whatever we do for our benefit it is ethical to do so and it is not considered unethical to not act against our interest.

So how can we interpret it in the fields of IT? First of all, we need to consider a situation, this can be a variation of things ranging from a job and it’s compensation to competing for a position or pay raise. For example, if we talk about freelancers, they usually make their own set of rules and can determine the amount of compensation they want in return. Most of the time is considered rude but they are right in a way. They are a one-man team, doing a lot of hard task on a very high level and nobody wants to work just to be tired at the end of the day.

We are all humans, and we live in the same word where money buys food and pays rent. According to some money has no meaning, with which I can partly agree but this is also a matter of knowledge. Why would someone give their hardly acquired knowledge away for less then the amount they need? Every human being wants to work as little as possible and enjoy the life as much as they can, and we got the right to do so.

I have people I know who put other’s interests before their own and they got the right to do so but not trying to get a promotion because someone else might want it too will not be rewarded in the game we call life. It rarely pays off at least, and beside, we can be “the good guy” even if we put ourselves first. There is always the option to help others and by acting according to our own interest, it is not meant to undermine others. One should know a healthy balance.

It is also worth mentioning that there will be no employers who will give exactly what we want so this should be done flexibly, by finding the middle ground of the interests.

Thank you for reading my last blog as well, take care!

Balint Adam,




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