Censorship and privacy

Dear reader, in this blogpost I would like to write about censorship and privacy. Particularly about what we have in Hungary since that is the only one I can refer to as I have only experienced that one.

So in some regards in Hungary the freedom of speech is real, you can not be taken to jail or be fined for saying things you want, or at least that is the case mostly. There are a few Hungarian websites that used to have no censorship at all and were allowed to post NSFW (not safe for work) content for a very long time. This begin to change lately. I am not sure whether it is because of Hungarian laws (I doubt that this would be the case but you can never be sure) or it is due to the sites’ change in their own set of rules.

Hungary recently launched their own social media network called Hundub at it was advertised as censorship free although most people I know are refuse to using it in fear of their personal data being “observed”. I do not use this social media because I can not be sure that this is not true so I am living with the benefit of doubt and just not using it.

Here comes an interesting question. What’s worth more, privacy or censorship free media? My opinion is that if someone wants to have both they can have it on the internet BUT what about the average user? An average user do not know how to protect themselves on the Internet and they don’t know how to create their own media. As for me if would have to choose one over the other, because obviously both of them at the same time would be ideal, I would go with privacy.

Usually, I do not post things that needs to be censored and I do not visit sites that wants to show us NSFW content but get censored. However privacy is a must have for humans no matter what. There are a lot of places on the internet where one can go to get the content they want but there is only a few that does not collect our private data.

Everyone should think about the question, what would they choose if the options was given, but everybody must know that the consumers only have the options to choose the platforms.

Thank you for your attention!

Balint Adam



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